Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bright Paint, Big Words

I'm not usually a fan of "word art".  You know, the crap some people put on their walls to remind them to "dream", or my favorite, "live, laugh, love"?  I figure if you need a reminder of those things, you've got bigger problems.  I made an exception to my rule for this project.  Not only because it required me to go to the beach and collect driftwood, but because I also got to use fun, bright paint.

I collected a pile of driftwood and then proceeded to go to the grocery store, where the man that loads the groceries into your car asks me, "que paso" with all of the wood.  I told him I was building a new house for my hombre.  Giggles all around.

The day I started this project was super rainy and humid.  The wood was SOGGY.  So I popped it in the oven on low for about 10 minutes to dry it out.
Mom, what are we having for dinner?

Out of the oven and a base coat of plain white paint to seal some of the furry parts so I would have a smooth surface to do the lettering.
Don't mind the soft porn in the newspaper.  Breaks up the corruption, moped accidents and stabbings.

I painted all of the pieces a different color and threw them back in oven.  I have no patience when it comes to watching paint dry.

I free-handed all of the letters, but you could easily use a stencil or trace a font.  It took a couple of coats to get good coverage on the lettering.

I think they turned out great and I think I'll make some more!  After all, I could always use a reminder to do the things I already do ;)

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